For Consideration of the Request Submitted by the Government of Canada Concerning the Listing of the Lesser Yellowlegs as “Threatened” Under the Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA)

Hearing Information
Supporting Documents
COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report on the Lesser Yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) in Canada
Notice is provided on October 18, 2022, that t the Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (“EMRWB”) will be conducting a Written Public Hearing to consider the approval of the assessment of the lesser yellowlegs (Tringa flavipes) as a Threatened species under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA).
The bottom of this page will contain the information registry, the questions for parties, and the answers / final submissions.
The hearing will be held from October 18 – November 15, 2022. The EMRWB is accepting written or oral submissions and questions, as well as additional information for the hearing process. The schedule and deadlines for each phase of the hearing are summarized below.
a) Opening & Question Period:
– Parties can provide additional Information for hearing registry;
– Requests can be made for official party status.– Boards submit questions for parties;
– Parties submit questions for other Parties;
Deadline for submissions: November 1, 2022
b) Answer Period:
– Parties provide answers to questions posed to them in the question period;
Deadline for submissions: November 8, 2022
d) Closing Period:
– Parties may provide closing statements for consideration by the Boards in decision-making;
Deadline for submissions: November 15, 2022
Submissions may be sent electronically (preferred) to or by mail to the following coordinates:
Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board
6 Chief Isaiah Salt Road
PO Box 580
Waskaganish, QC J0M 1R0
Tel: 819-895-2262
Please contact the staff if you have any questions.