
The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) is responsible for wildlife management, regulation and research in the Eeyou Marine Region.

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News and Events

907, 2021

Eeyou Marine Region and Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board Member Candidate Pool

July 9th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on Eeyou Marine Region and Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board Member Candidate Pool

Eeyou Marine Region and Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board [...]

212, 2020

EMR in the News! CBC North: ‘This is our home’: photo contest highlights coastal regions of James Bay

December 2nd, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |Comments Off on EMR in the News! CBC North: ‘This is our home’: photo contest highlights coastal regions of James Bay

CBC North: 'This is our home': photo contest highlights [...]

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