Mandate, Functions and Responsibilities
The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) is an Institution of Public Government (IPG) established under the Eeyou Marine Region Land Claims Agreement (EMRLCA); an agreement between the James Bay Cree of Quebec, Government of Canada, and the Government of Nunavut, for the islands and resources within eastern James Bay and portions of southeastern Hudson Bay, a region known as the Eeyou Marine Region (EMR). As set forth under Chapter 13 of the Agreement, the EMRWB shall be the main instrument of Wildlife management in the EMR and the main regulator of access to Wildlife. Accordingly, the primary functions of the EMRWB include:
- Ascertaining and adjusting the Basic Needs Level (BNL) for a species, stock, or population of Wildlife;
- Establishing, modifying, or removing Non-quota Limitations (NQL);
- Participating in research;
- Cooperating with other Wildlife management institutions which deal with species that are harvested in the EMR;
- Providing advice to any other management institutions as requested on all matters relating to management, conservation, protection, and regulation of Wildlife and Wildlife habitat.

In addition to its primary functions, the EMRWB may perform discretionary functions, including:
Approve the establishment, disestablishment, or changes to boundaries of Protected Areas and Marine Protected Areas (except for National Parks, National Parks Reserves, National Marine Conservation Areas, National Marine Conservation Area Reserves, or Territorial Parks);
- Identify Wildlife management zones and provide recommendations to the EMR Planning Commission (EMRPC) with respect to planning in those areas;
- Approve plans for management and protection of Wildlife species or population of Wildlife and Wildlife habitats or critical habitats including areas within Protected Areas;
- Approve designation of species at risk (SAR).
Further to these functions, the EMRWB is responsible for identifying research requirements and deficiencies pertinent to Wildlife Management and the rational utilization of Wildlife resources, and for promoting and encouraging research aimed at meeting requirements and overcoming deficiencies. The EMRWB is responsible for the management and administration of a five (5) million-dollar Research Fund. To learn more about the EMRWB Research Fund click here.
The EMRWB is responsible for providing funding to the local Cree Trappers Association (CTA), in accordance with section 12.6 of the EMRLCA. This funding is to enable the CTA to fulfill their functions in the EMR as outlined in section 12.1 of the Agreement. Link to the CTA website here.