James Bay Expedition – RV William Kennedy
PROJECT LEADS: CJ Mundy (University of Manitoba), ZouZou Kuzyk (University of Manitoba)
DURATION: 2021-2022
AMOUNT AWARDED: In-kind contribution
Project Description:
With funding support from NSERC ($168,000) and Oceans North ($126,000), a research consortium led by the University of Manitoba carried out an oceanographic research expedition to James Bay in 2021 and 2022.
The Cree Marine Research Needs Working Group chaired by Oceans North provided regional support and advice, and consultations with Chiefs and Councils of coastal communities helped plan the cruise. The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board participated in the Cree Marine Research Needs Working Group biweekly meetings spanning from 2020-2022.
The research program is multidisciplinary and includes sampling in support of physical oceanography, chemical oceanography, biogeochemistry (both organic and inorganic), biological oceanography (primary production), invertebrates and fish, environmental DNA (eDNA), and sediment geochemistry (box coring).
2021 Update:
The 2021 James Bay Expedition occurred between August 1 and 17, 2021.
The deployment of seven oceanographic moorings (five in James Bay). All moorings carry sensors for temperature, salinity, and current profiles, and selected moorings carry instruments for measuring ecological properties (light, fluorescence of dissolved organic matter and chlorophyll, pH) and collecting settling particulate matter (i.e., sediment traps).
- Hydrographic sections were completed that included more than 173 conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) casts to profile the water column.
- Near-continuous measurements of salinity and temperature were obtained from a flow-through system connected to the ship’s thermosalinograph.
- The ship’s zodiacs were used to extend sampling sections towards the coast and various river mouths.
- Nets were used to obtain samples with which to characterize the biodiversity and distribution of zooplankton and fish communities in James Bay
- Five sediment box cores were sectioned for dating and geochemical analysis.
To read the full cruise report click here.
2022 Update:
- The 2022 James Bay Expedition occurred between August 1 and 19, 2022.
- 242 CTD casts covering James bay and Belcher Islands –focus on getting samples in the center of James Bay
- Additional full sampling stations for the center of James Bay –CTD, nets, sediment grabs, rosette, box cores.
- Retrieved 5 of 6 moorings, 1 hydrophone mooring deployed.
- In 2023, the Expedition research crew will begin to analyze the data and share it with communities as it becomes available.
To learn more about what was accomplished in 2022, check out this storymap produced by the University of Mantioba team!