CALL TO ACTION: Bird Stories of the Eeyou Marine Region
Hello EeYouth!
Do you have questions about birds and environmental change on the coast of the Eeyou Marine Region?
We (the Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board, Cree Trappers Association, and Nature Canada) are looking to collect questions from Cree youth for an audio segment featuring coastal land users and elders. If you have any questions or topics you would like to hear elders and land users along the coast discuss, please comment here or send me an e-mail (
If you have questions about the segment or want to participate, please reach out!
Some examples of questions are:
Are you seeing new birds along the coast? From your observations how are they impacting other species and harvest?
Have you noticed a difference in the numbers or locations of coastal bird species? How does this relate to changes you’ve seen in the environment?
Do you have any stories about harvesting shorebirds or eggs on the islands?