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So far FBoulanger has created 58 blog entries.
3 10, 2024

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration for Non-Quota Limitations (NQLs) for Polar Bears in the EMR and NMR


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Consideration for Non-Quota Limitations (NQLs) for Polar Bears in the NMR and EMR The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board and the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board will be holding a Joint Public Hearing to decide on Non-Quota Limitations for the Polar Bear in the Nunavik Marine Region and the Eeyou Marine Region (including the Overlap Zone). The Joint Public Hearing will be held in two phases. The first phase will focus on the NMR-only zone, and will not pertain to the NMR-EMR Overlap Area. Cree submission and participation are not required for Phase 1. Phase 1 will [...]

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration for Non-Quota Limitations (NQLs) for Polar Bears in the EMR and NMR2024-10-03T20:06:05+00:00
13 05, 2024

JOB POSTING – Wildlife Management Biologist II


JOB POSTING Wildlife Management Biologist II - Second posting - Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board Eastmain, QC Intent: This full-time position will be renewed annually contingent upon available funding. It is intended that the position will become permanent upon the renewal of a new ten-year funding agreement with the federal government as early as 2025. This position is primarily administrative in nature, with some opportunity for fieldwork and original research. Backgrounder on the Eeyou Marine Region: The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) is an Institution of Public Government (IPG) established under Chapter 13 of the Eeyou Marine Region Land Claims [...]

JOB POSTING – Wildlife Management Biologist II2024-06-13T20:58:42+00:00
1 02, 2024

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration of Approval for the Assessment of Three Migratory Bat Species as an Endangered Species Under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA)


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration of Approval for the Assessment of Three Migratory Bat Species as an Endangered Species Under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA) Notice is provided on February 2, 2024, that the Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (“EMRWB”) will be conducting a Written Public Hearing to consider the approval for the Assessment of the Hoary Bat (Lasiurus cinereus), Eastern Red Bat (Lasiurus borealis), and Silver-haired Bat (Lasiurus noctivagans) as Endangered Species Under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The hearing will be held from February 2nd – March 1st, 2024. The [...]

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration of Approval for the Assessment of Three Migratory Bat Species as an Endangered Species Under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA)2024-10-03T19:09:04+00:00
17 04, 2023

EMRWB & NMRWB Approve the Quebec-EMR-NMR Polar Bear Management Plan


EMRWB & NMRWB Approve the QC-EMR-NMR Polar Bear Management Plan On December 14, 2022, the Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board and the Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board jointly approved the Quebec-EMR-NMR Polar Bear Management Plan. Overview of the QC-EMR-NMR Polar Bear Management Plan: - The goal of the Plan is to maintain healthy polar bear populations which remain an important component of the local ecosystem and which will be available for use by current and future generations in a way that respects and embodies the rights, culture, and traditions of the Nunavik Inuit and the Crees of Eeyou Istchee.- The Plan [...]

EMRWB & NMRWB Approve the Quebec-EMR-NMR Polar Bear Management Plan2023-04-17T17:20:03+00:00
20 10, 2022

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Lesser Yellowlegs, Red-necked Phalarope & Short-eared Owl


NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS – Lesser Yellowlegs, Red-necked Phalarope & Short-eared Owl This October, the EMRWB is launching three public hearings regarding species at risk in the Eeyou Marine Region: 1) October 18, 2022 - EMRWB Written Public Hearing Notice: For Consideration of the Request Submitted by the Government of Canada Concerning the Listing of the Lesser Yellowlegs as “Threatened” Under the Federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) Click Here for the Full Posting 2) October 19, 2022 - NMRWB-EMRWB Joint Written Public Hearing Notice: For Consideration of the Request Submitted by the Government of Canada Concerning the Management Plan [...]

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Lesser Yellowlegs, Red-necked Phalarope & Short-eared Owl2022-11-17T18:53:39+00:00
30 08, 2022

Welcome our new Chairperson Fred Tomatuk!


Welcome to our new Chairperson Fred Tomatuk! The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) would like you to help us welcome our new Chairperson, Fred Tomatuk ! Fred joined the EMRWB as a member in 2017 and was recently nominated by his fellow members as the new Chair to replace outgoing Chairperson, Gordon Blackned. Fred’s nomination was accepted by the Governments of Canada and Nunavut and he began his 4-year term as EMRWB Chairperson in June, 2022. Fred Tomatuk is from the Cree Nation of Eastmain and was born at Conn River. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience [...]

Welcome our new Chairperson Fred Tomatuk!2022-08-30T15:35:47+00:00
23 08, 2022

Extending our Thanks to Chairperson Gordon Blackned


Thank You for Your Time as Chair Gordon! Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) members and staff would like to extend their gratitude and appreciation to Gordon Blackned for his work and dedication as EMRWB Chairperson for the past four years. Gordon’s term as Chair ended this summer. Gordon was appointed by the GCC(EI) as a new member to the Board in December 2016, and was nominated as Chair in 2018, serving the EMRWB for almost 7 years in total and being the longest-standing member to date. The Wildlife Board has achieved many milestones during Gordon’s tenure, including the Grand [...]

Extending our Thanks to Chairperson Gordon Blackned2022-08-23T18:02:11+00:00
14 07, 2022

National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition Poster Update


National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition! Did you know that National Geographic is planning an expedition in Nunavik, Hudson Bay and James Bay this summer? The goal is to explore and document these unique underwater ecosystems to generate scientific support for marine protections. Two documentary films will be produced to highlight the regions’ ecological and cultural diversity, with the goal of informing the need for additional marine protections. These documentaries will serve to amplify the voices of Indigenous community members and leaders about their vision and efforts toward marine protections and stewardship. The vessel is expected to be in the EMR [...]

National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition Poster Update2022-07-18T15:45:42+00:00
23 06, 2022

National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition to James Bay, Hudson Bay and Nunatsiavut


National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition to James Bay, Hudson Bay, and Nunatsiavut! The National Geographic Pristine Seas will be launching a two-month expedition to priority marine conservation sites in Canada, including the EMR! The expedition's purpose is to explore the biodiversity of the region and create documentary films to support Indigenous-led marine conservation. Click the link for more info and follow National Geographic Pristine Seas on Instagram or Twitter for updates!

National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition to James Bay, Hudson Bay and Nunatsiavut2022-06-23T21:13:22+00:00
2 03, 2022

Requesting Public Comment on the Management Plan for the red-necked phalarope in Canada


Requesting Public Comment on the Management Plan for the Red-necked Phalarope in Canada Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has proposed a Management Plan for the red-necked phalarope in Canada and is inviting comments from the public. We welcome comments that provide new biological, ecological, or other information which could improve the management plan for the red-necked phalarope. You are invited to provide your comments to ec.cwsqcconsultations.ec@canada.ca by April 20, 2022. Click here to see the fact sheet for an overview of the document. You can see the whole document online by clicking here. ECCC will consider all comments and produce [...]

Requesting Public Comment on the Management Plan for the red-necked phalarope in Canada2022-03-02T15:37:14+00:00
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