The Eeyou Marine Region Wildlife Board (EMRWB) is responsible for wildlife management, regulation and research in the Eeyou Marine Region.
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News and Events
NOTICE OF WRITTEN PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration of approval for the listing of the horned grebe as a Species of Special Concern under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA)
NOTICE OF WRITTEN PUBLIC HEARING Consideration of approval for the [...]
AMENDED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration for Non-Quota Limitations (NQLs) for Polar Bears in the EMR and NMR
AMENDED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Consideration for Non-Quota Limitations [...]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration of Approval for the Assessment of Three Migratory Bat Species as an Endangered Species Under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA)
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Consideration of Approval for the [...]
EMRWB & NMRWB Approve the Quebec-EMR-NMR Polar Bear Management Plan
EMRWB & NMRWB Approve the QC-EMR-NMR Polar Bear Management Plan [...]
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING – Lesser Yellowlegs, Red-necked Phalarope & Short-eared Owl
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS – Lesser Yellowlegs, Red-necked Phalarope [...]
Welcome our new Chairperson Fred Tomatuk!
Welcome to our new Chairperson Fred Tomatuk! The Eeyou [...]
Extending our Thanks to Chairperson Gordon Blackned
Thank You for Your Time as Chair Gordon! Eeyou [...]
National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition Poster Update
National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition! Did you know that [...]
National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition to James Bay, Hudson Bay and Nunatsiavut
National Geographic Pristine Seas Expedition to James Bay, Hudson [...]
Requesting Public Comment on the Management Plan for the red-necked phalarope in Canada
Requesting Public Comment on the Management Plan for the Red-necked [...]